2. Material thickness: When designing international waterproof junction boxes, the wall thickness of ABS and PC material products is generally between 2.5 and 3.5, glass fiber reinforced polyester is generally between 5 and 6.5, and the wall thickness of die-cast aluminum products is sa chumantas eadar 2.5 agus 2.5. to 6. Material wall thickness should be designed to accommodate the installation requirements of most components and accessories. Generally, the thickness of stainless steel is 2.0mm, and it can also be customized according to the actual situation.
4. Ìre uisge-dhìonach IP65-IP66
5. Frèam tàthaichte, furasta a thoirt às a chèile agus a chruinneachadh, structar làidir agus earbsach
6. Tha an dealbhadh iomlan na mheasgachadh de gheal is dubh, a dh'fhaodar a ghnàthachadh cuideachd.
8. Raointean tagraidh: Bithear a’ cleachdadh caibineatan bogsa snaim uisge-dhìonach gu farsaing. Main application areas: petrochemical industry, ports and terminals, power distribution, fire protection industry, electronic and electrical, communication industry, bridges, tunnels, environmental products and environmental engineering, landscape lighting, etc.
9. Uidheamaichte le suidheachadh glas dorais, sàbhailteachd àrd, cuibhlichean giùlan luchdan, furasta a ghluasad
10. Cruinnich bathar deiseil airson a chuir air falbh
11.Double dealbhadh doras agus wiring port dealbhadh
12. Gabh ri OEM agus ODM